After years of waiting, I finally got the chance to try the skids I got for my skateboard. I was waiting for a bigger lake to go black ice as riding on a ice field doesn’t sound very fun. Last year we somehow missed it and the snow kicked in. With the driest end of the year in records Lago Bianco was this time covered with thick black ice for weeks, making for a real tourist attraction in the Engadin that is otherwise known for good snow.
Proof of concept: fail.
In fact, it wasn’t really fun. Pushing did not work at all and the skids were not holding on the ice. The next day I tried to mount them with a bit of angle which helped for the grip. But it still didn’t work unless the wind gusts were strong enough to drive me. Along with the fact that it is pretty dangerous because ice is quite hard. The concept definitely needs some improvements for the next stage.